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Broad Humor DIY DAY
Thursday, September 1, 2022 @ 12pm
Monrovia Public Library


 Shefali Vasudevan

 Coordinator, SAGindie â€‹


 "Getting to Know SAGindie"

   45 minutes + Q&A

Shefali grew up in Northern California with a bunch of tech nerds, including her parents. She then went on to study Film Production at Emerson College in Boston and eventually remembered that she hated cold and moved back to the West Coast and has been living in Los Angeles since.


Shefali has written and directed a few short films and worked in both narrative script development and reality TV casting. She still writes and directs in her free time as well as sings and plays the ukulele with some friends at local venues. She is excited to be working at SAGindie and helping filmmakers and actors have their projects come to fruition. She’s here to help out the team and can answer any questions you might have!


Shefali’s favorite book about movies is James Harvey’s Romantic Comedy in Hollywood: From Lubitsch to Sturges because it introduced her to one of her favorite films, DESIGN FOR LIVING. And a friend recently got her Alicia Malone’s The Female Gaze: Essential Movies Made by Women (essential movies Shefali plans to watch by the end of the year!).




©2006 - 2024 Broad Humor Film Festival. All Rights Reserved.
Broad Humor Film Festival is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, EIN: 83-4191870.

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